2 Treffer
Platen - Fremdsprachige Bücher und Literatur kaufen & verkaufen gebraucht in Brandenburg Platen
Buch in Englisch THE NATIONAL GALLERY One Hundred Plates in Color Vol. I [1909]
THE NATIONAL GALLERY Untertitel, Autor, Übersetzer etc.: One Hundred Plates in Colour - Volume I. (100 farbige Tafeln) ein Buch in englischer Sprache über berühmte Maler aus Italien, Holland und Deutschland General Editor: T. Leman Hare Joint Autors: Paul G. Konody, Maurice W.10 €VB20.02.202515738 ZeuthenEnglisch -
Buch in englischer Sprache von Sarah Whitfield & John Elderfield BONNARD [1998]
As a result of considerable research she has introduced much new material both in the essay and in the captions and comparative photographs that accompany the catalogue plates. Her enthusiasm for the project has been inspiring and infectious from the beginning. We are deeply grateful to her for her energy and commitment. We are extremely grateful, too, to both Antoine and Michel Terrasse for all the help and time they have so generously given to Sarah Whitfield.20 €VB27.01.202515738 ZeuthenEnglisch
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