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Autor/in: Stephanie Bond
Titel: Body movers
ISBN: 0778324826 (ISBN-13: 9780778324829)
Zustand: leichte Gebrauchsspuren
Verlag: Mira Books
Seiten: 376
Gewicht: 183 g
Erschienen: 2006
Einband: Taschenbuch
Sprache: Englisch
Beschreibung: Das Buch ist in sichtbar jedoch ordentlichem und sauberen Zustand.
Es handelt sich um KEINEN Kaffee- oder Teefleck auf dem Einband.
Die Bilder zeigen das zum Verkauf stehende Buch.
Text gem. Einband:
Will her killer fashion sense prove fatal?
So Carlotta Wren's life hasn't turned out as she'd planned.
She didn't plan for her parents to skip bail for a white-collar crime, leaving her to raise her brother. She didn't plan on having the silver spoon ripped from her mouth and forgoing college to work retail. She didn't plan on her blue-blood fiancé dumping her. And she didn't plan on still being single ten years later, working at Neiman Marcus, with no idea where her fugitive parents are. But she's coping. Until..
...her lovable brother is arrested, and the hunky cop decides to reopen her parents' case.
..her brother becomes a body mover for the morgue, and his sexy boss gets Carlotta involved.
...her former fiancé's wife (a good customer) is murdered fingering Carlotta.
With three men in her life, Carlotta has added motivation to help bag a murderer to keep her own well-dressed body from being next on the list!
There should be a notice on her book: For a really GOOD time, read Stephanie Bond!"
-America Online Romance Fiction Forum