- 238 Seiten, OKart.
- Verlag: Century 2005
- 25,9 x 21,3 cm
"Artistic genius, political activist, painter and decorator, mythic legend or notorious graffiti artist? The work of Banksy is unmistakable, except maybe when it's squatting in the Tate or New York's Metropolitan Museum. Banksy is responsible for decorating the streets, walls, bridges and zoos of towns and cites throughout the world. Witty and subversive, his stencils show monkeys with weapons of mass destruction, policeman with smiley faces, rats with drills and umbrellas.
If you look hard enough, you'll find your own. His statements, incitements, ironies and epigrams are by turns intelligent and cheeky comments on everything from the monarchy and capitalism to the war in Iraq and farm animals. His identity remains unknown, but his work is prolific." (Verlag)
- Paul Gough
- 112 Seiten, OKart.
- Text: Englisch
- Verlag Sansom & Co, 2012
- 24.64 x 16.76 x 1.52 cm
"In the summer of 2009 Bristol saw a remarkable phenomenon that made international news. An estimated 300,000 people queued for hours, often in pouring rain, for admission to the city’s museum & art gallery. They had been attracted by the media hype surrounding an exhibition ambiguously entitled ‘Banksy vs the Bristol Museum’. There have been many celebratory books about Banksy, but this is the first non-partisan documentation of the Bristol event and an attempt to assess its local and wider impact.
The book raises a raft of questions: Is Banksy a subversive influence or merely a bit of fun? Why is Banksy so important to Bristol? Is he really important? Where does the exhibition leave Bristol as an epicentre of ‘street art’? It looks at the setting up of the show and questions the need – other than to conform to the required Banksy mystique – for secrecy.
The authors look also at the economic impact of the show, the media’s role in creating its notoriety, and – the question so often avoided by the critics – how does Banksy rate as an artist in his own right? Are we dealing with art, ‘street art’ or graffiti? The contributors are drawn from the academic and art worlds, business and media, with a range of ‘vox pop’ reactions."
(Gough, P. (2012). Banksy: The Bristol legacy. In P. Gough (Ed.), Banksy: The Bristol LegacySansom and Company )
- EUR 48,-